A committed
The environment is one of the main concerns of today’s global population. Learn about some of the initiatives and concrete actions that RVF partners have undertaken to address climate change.
Did You Know...
Since 2010, Canada Post has deployed
6,000 hybrid vehicles
and thus reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 50% per vehicle.
The Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario created its Plan de conservation de l’énergie et de gestion de la demande 2018‐2023 [Energy conservation and demand management plan for 2018-2023] (in French only), which promises major investments to
reduce energy consumption
in its schools by approximately 20%.
Source : Conseil des écoles publiques de l’Est de l’Ontario (CEPEO) (in French only)
2001–2010 was the warmest decade on record, with a
temperature increase of 0.21 °C
over the decade 1991–2000.
Through a partnership between Canada Post and Nespresso, more than
95%of Nespresso Club members
have a practical option for recycling their coffee capsules.
Starting in 2022, VIA Rail will acquire a new fleet of trains with
more fuel-efficient diesel engines
that can run on electricity.
In 2018, Canada Post recycled
65.3% of the total waste
generated in its facilities, thus diverting it from landfills.
Air Canada is the only Canadian air carrier that supports 4ocean (an organization that is dedicated to eliminating waste and plastic from the coastlines and oceans, and that hopes to encourage people to work together to clean up the oceans).
2 clean-up operations
took place in 2019: one in Clearwater, Florida, and another in Richmond, British Columbia.
Source: Leaveless Strategy, Air Canada
Every two years, the Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est organizes the
Sommet des élèves pour la Terre Uni-Vert
[Student Summit for a Green Planet] for students in Grades 7 to 12 at twelve secondary schools. During the summit, students attend conferences and come up with projects to implement environmentally responsible practices at their schools.
Source : Conseil des écoles catholiques du Centre-Est (CECCE)
Source: Guide de pratiques écoresponsables, RDÉE Canada (in French only)
the stairs
instead of the elevator
Collect food waste
in the lunchroom and compost it
Read electronic documents
on screen rather than printing them
Encourage employees to bring
“zero waste” lunches
Turn off all electronic devices
during long breaks and before leaving at the end of the day